Improving your Child’s Sleeping Habits
2953 day agoA child will spend around 40 percent of their childhood asleep. Before the age of two, most children have spent this percentage sleeping. Sleeping is essential for children since this has a direct impact on their physical and mental development. Children need regular good quality sleep and this means having a sufficient number of hours of uninterrupted deep slumber.
Everyone needs sleep – it is the primary and most vital activity of the brain during early development. The sleep-wake cycle which is called Circadian rhythms is regulated by light and dark; the irregular sleep schedule of newborns is the result of the development of these rhythms. The rhythm begins to develop in around six weeks then by three to six months, most infants begin to have a regular sleep-wake cycle. Some parents who have new born child might not know this and might think something is wrong with their child because the child does not sleep through the night.
Good-quality sleep is about getting enough of this and not waking too often; your child needs adequate amounts of deep sleep because it’s more restful than light sleep. However, there are some children who find it hard to have uninterrupted rest or a regular body clock, so here are some ways to improve your child’s sleeping habits:
- Avoid Daytime Naps for Older Children
Do not let your children have daytime naps if they are five years of age or older since this can make your child have a harder time sleeping at night and waking up on time in the morning.
- Keep a Regular Sleep and Wake Schedule
If your children are six months old or above, help them sleep and wake at the same time every day. Arrange a schedule of wake-up hours during school days; and during weekends, you can add around two hours of sleep. This can aid their body clock if you practice this to get them into a regular rhythm.
- Make the Bedroom a Good Place for Sleeping
One of the possible reasons why children find it difficult to sleep is that the bedroom may not be a good place for sleeping. During bedtime, your child’s room should be dark and should not have various distractions such as glowing alarm clocks, phones that vibrate with every new message, flashing lights on game consoles, as well as fun toys that easily catch their attention. For children to have proper sleep, bedrooms should be cool and comfortable, so use thinner blankets and pajamas if their room tends to be very warm.
- Eat the Right Amount of Food at the Right Time
For your children to have a regular sleeping schedule, they should have a proper eating schedule as well. Feed them a satisfying evening meal at a reasonable time is the way to do it so they will not be too hungry or too full before bedtime since this will make them uncomfortable or more alert, which will make it more difficult for them to fall asleep. In the morning, feed them a healthy breakfast to kick-start their body clock on time.
- Do not Consume Caffeinated Products
Do not allow your child to consume food products that contain caffeine after 3 pm since this will affect their sleep. Some of the products that you should avoid include iced tea, cola, coffee, energy drinks, and chocolate.
- Get Plenty of Natural Light during the Day
During the day, encourage your children to go outdoors and get a lot of natural light since this will help their bodies produce melatonin, a hormone that helps improve one’s sleep and wake cycles. Allow them to play with the amazing Whistlecopter toys so they will be encouraged to go outdoors in the morning. If they are younger you might give them the Bubble gun toys from Whistlecopter.
- Have an Hour of Quiet Time before Sleeping
Before bedtime, allot one hour for your children to have some calm, enjoyable activities such as reading a book, taking a bath, or listening to music. Do not include gaming, heavy homework, and watching TV during this quiet time since these will disrupt your child from sleeping. Quiet time activities do not necessarily need to take place in the bedroom, however, make sure that your child is in the bedroom for the last ten to fifteen minutes.
- Be Physically Active
Make exercise a part of your children’s daily routine; this does not only improve your child’s sleeping habits but this helps establish a life-long healthy routine as well. For your child to have fun while exercising, encourage them to go outdoors and play with the Whistlecopter toys. While they get some exercise, they will also enjoy their playtime since they will be playing with some of the coolest toys such as the Glowcopter, LED Copter, Bubblegun LED, Alien Rocket Copter and the Original Copter toys.
Usually, the biggest obstacle that parents face when getting their children to sleep is parental inconsistency. Once you establish a routine, stick to this so your children will be trained to follow a schedule. When they get used to the sleep-wake cycle, they will eventually get sleepy on their own and they will start to independently follow their schedule. Also, remember that all children are different so this means that each of their sleep patterns differs from one to another.
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