Here Are Some Patriotic Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day
1752 day ago
Memorial Day is just about a Week or so away and this means that summer is about to start. During this time, family and friends gather and celebrate with backyard picnics and barbecue. However, amidst all the fun, a lot of people tend to lose sight of the true meaning of Memorial Day and forget about the soldiers who risked their lives to serve their country.
This time, why not consider celebrating Memorial Day by remembering what this holiday is all about. Here are some great ways to celebrate Memorial Day in patriotic ways:
Attending a Parade May not be Optimal These Days
Memorial Day parades are usually the best community events for this occasion since this encourages bonding with the family while also having fun and education at the same time. Although with the Corona Virus Parades are out of the question at this time.
If you do attend do it in a safe way during these times. Attend a local parade and show your support by waving your American Flag while cheering for your fellow citizens who continuously serve our country.
Both children and adults would definitely enjoy the atmosphere in the parade since this is a great time to connect with the community. A lot of cities and towns across the United States also hold parades to commemorate Memorial Day; these are also often ended with a moment of silence or a memorial service. Check if one will be happening this year if not find other ways to celebrate.
Discuss with Your Family about the Sacred Meaning of Memorial Day
Memorial Day was first celebrated in 1868 when the 30th of May was declared as a day for decorating the graves of Civil War soldiers who have departed.
After the First World War, Memorial Day became a holiday to commemorate all Americans who had fought and died in any war. In 1971, the last Monday of May was finally declared a federal holiday to honour everyone who died while serving any branch of the armed forces in all wars. You can also browse online for more information, as well as facts about Memorial Day that you can share with your children.
Prepare American Desserts again in Red White and Blue
Instead of just having your usual backyard barbecue, why not add more patriotism to your picnic? Try out some patriotic dessert recipes and serve these treats on blue, red, and white utensils to make it more festive.
Decorate Your Home in Patriotic colours Red White and Blue
Since Memorial Day was initially known as “Decoration Day”. A great idea to celebrate the holiday is adorning your home with a touch of blue, red, and white to remind everyone about the occasion.
You don’t need to purchase fancy decorations to make your space look festive; just hang the American Flag outside your door, or place a miniature flag in a small, indoor flower pot and this will remind everyone about Memorial Day.
You can also create your own decorations with your little ones and try out some of the Memorial Day decoration ideas that you can find online.
Write a heart full Letter to a Veteran
Although Memorial Day is a time to remember fallen soldiers, we must also show appreciation to the living veterans who continue serving our country. Every Memorial Day, programs are hosted for people to be able to connect with veterans. You can write a letter to them personally to show your support for the military and the services that they have provided for the country and its citizens.
Take a Real Part in the National Moment of Remembrance
During Memorial Day, American citizens are asked by the National Moment of Remembrance (established by the Congress) to pause for one minute at 3 o’clock in the afternoon for national unity. This is usually the time of the day when people get busy enjoying the holiday which is why it makes remembering the true reason for the holiday more important.
Book a Getaway with the Family May be Hard during Corona Virus
Going on a vacation to enjoy a new environment and a change of scenery is another great way to celebrate Memorial Day. You may choose to go somewhere within the vicinity or you may also go out of town; either way, the long weekend will be a perfect time for families to reconnect in a safe way.
Attending Memorial Day parades and concerts in other areas may be difficult but if you do attend try to do it safely. It is an excellent way to discover new things while bonding with your family members. Over the long weekend, take advantage of the fine weather and go outdoors for a hike, then play with the Whistlecopter toys for more fun.
For a more patriotic celebration this Memorial Day, get your Whistlecopters to remind everyone of the honorable Americans who served the country.
The Patriotic 8-Pack Whistlecopter includes eight maxi slingshots, each with its own 8-inch rubber band; also included in each pack are eight additional battery packs, eight extra wings, and an additional eight more rubber bands. All of these can be purchased only for $35.
Each Whistlecopter is individually wrapped with an instruction card and batteries as well. For each Whistlecopter to attain its maximum height of 250 feet when launched, which also comes with its own 7-inch rubber band and Viper Launcher.
Also, the Whistlecopter features the super glow wings, making these brighter as it flies up in the sky. Each Whistlecopter also has a different wing design so they will all look different floating down like fireworks in the sky visible from half a mile away.
To attain the highest flights, check out Whistlecopter’s Professional Wing Folding Video!
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