


How to Start the Year Right with your Little Ones

2250 day ago

Now that the parties and celebrations are over, we’re back to our normal lives. Plan something fun for 2019, accept challenges, and most importantly, find ways to spend more time together as a family. People usually get bored once the holidays are over since it’s time to go back to Read more...


How You Can Prevent Weight Gain During and After the Holidays

2261 day ago

During the holidays, there are different kinds of food that aren’t available during other times of the year. This is why a lot of people enjoy eating during the holidays. However, it is still important to maintain your health. The holidays come really quickly once November begins; it starts with Read more...


Simple New Year’s Eve Party Activities

2266 day ago

On New Year’s Eve, people either attend or host a party. If you plan to host a party, you definitely want to make your celebration unique and more memorable; turn it to something that your guests would talk about even in the next coming years. By setting colorful decorations, preparing Read more...


Some Fun Christmas Party Activities

2272 day ago

Finding the perfect party activities for your Christmas celebration is easier than you think. First, know the number of attendees and their age groups, the rest will be a piece of cake. Today, we will be sharing some fun activities to give you an idea what to prepare for your Read more...


How You Can Help Children with Self-Care Routines

2279 day ago

Teaching self-care routines is highly beneficial not only for your little ones, but also for you. Since it makes your children more independent, it saves your time since they can start doing some things on their own. Aside from that, it makes them feel more confident about themselves and that Read more...


How to Break Children’s Bad Habits

2287 day ago

Do your little ones bite their nails, suck their thumbs, bang their heads on things, or pull their hair often? Children that usually have these habits and behaviour can be annoying. When parents try to change these unwanted habits, they take the wrong approach which is why nothing seems to Read more...


Good Social Media Habits for Children and Protection

2289 day ago

Social media has brought us a lot of great things – it allows us to keep in touch with loved ones who are far away from us and it provides more convenient forms of communication. However, children who engage in these are exposed to a lot of risks that they Read more...


Fun Games for A Great Thanksgiving Day

2301 day ago

Thanksgiving is a hectic holiday – you’ll have to think of a nice and special setting for the table, bake pies, prepare the turkey, and that’s just getting the beginning. If you plan to host a party that will bring in quite the crowd, it will be great to have Read more...


Preventing Body Image Problems

2308 day ago

Words such as “I’m ugly” and “I’m so fat” can be disappointing especially when you hear it from children as young as ten, but it can be more disturbing when you hear this coming from preschoolers. These are not the things that children should be worrying about. Instead they should Read more...