2028 day ago
Research has shown that 60% of eighteen-year-old teenagers have taken alcohol at least once and one out of ten of these adolescents binge drink. In fact, around 1.4 million have reported binge drinking for at least five times a month. Raising adolescents is one of the most fulfilling experiences you Read more...
2037 day ago
Problems are a normal occurrence in life so a lot of families may face certain situations that, despite all the efforts, can’t be fixed. Developing good coping skills is one way to allow us to identify the actual solutions to our problems. This also helps us learn to accept the Read more...
2051 day ago
our children are individuals and they all have differences, from personalities and even their ambitions in life. Sometimes, it becomes challenging for parents to deal with children’s ambitions since they are completely different from those of the previous decade. We cannot deny that parenting is a challenging task despite it Read more...
2058 day ago
You probably remember just how amazing it was playing outdoors as a child: you had unhindered bliss and felt like there was an endless amount of time for exploring outdoors and enjoying your adventures. The thing is, you probably got yourself in a lot of trouble during those times too. Read more...
2064 day ago
Independence Day is an essential part of America’s rich history that continues to have an impact on our world today. So this year, why not hold discussions about this holiday with your little ones? Here are some of the simple yet fun ways to do it. By now, your children Read more...
2071 day ago
Ensuring that your children understand the message you’re trying to send is one of the important steps to minimize problems in their behaviour. However, there are times when following directions might be a challenge for children. There are a lot of reasons for this. Children who have learning and Read more...
2071 day ago
Honoring one’s father is an idea that goes back to the very beginning of human civilization. Yet during that time, there wasn’t any specific day to make them feel special. The idea of Father’s Day is quite new and in fact, this sentimental holiday has a very interesting history. It Read more...
2089 day ago
A lot of factors contribute to teen’s use of alcohol and drugs, and one of these is their family environment. According to research, emotional or physical abuse, mental health disorders, or adults’ drug abuse at home are most likely the reasons why a child would try taking drugs. This is Read more...
2104 day ago
This time, why not consider celebrating Memorial Day by remembering what this holiday is all about? Here are some great ways to celebrate Memorial Day in patriotic ways: Memorial Day is just a Week away and this means that summer is about to start. During this time, family and friends Read more...
2109 day ago
With all the talk about Mother’s Day, you’re probably wondering what interesting things are linked to the celebration. Here, we have a list of some interesting and surprising facts about Mother’s Day. And we’re sure that you and your mother will find some interest in these. On the 13th of Read more...