2310 day ago
Fortunately, you can help your child avoid the drama and issues by teaching them to respect others instead. Gossiping is a common pastime for a lot of people and surprisingly, it starts with children as young as 8 or 9 years old. Children around these ages gossip to experiment and Read more...
2317 day ago
Self-control is an ability that allows a person to manage one’s thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and impulses. People can easily cooperate with others, resolve conflicts, and cope with frustrations if they have this trait. An example of this is when a toddler says “I’m mad” instead of breaking things or biting Read more...
2324 day ago
Halloween is an occasion that is celebrated by billions of people around the world. This is the time of the year when both children and adults go trick or treating in costumes. While these two things are enjoyable, others would still want to do something unique and different. Another way Read more...
2331 day ago
We all know that a child’s immune system isn’t fully developed until they are older. Most of the time, children’s immune systems are less efficient at fighting different types of viruses than adults. Unfortunately, a lot of parents also take the wrong approach to keep their children protected from sicknesses. Read more...
2342 day ago
As parents, one of the biggest problems you face is your child’s lack of motivation to study. This isn’t even your fault since studying can get a bit boring even for adults. . Just like adults, they may require a new environment to refresh their minds and get motivated. Your Read more...
2345 day ago
Beside the busy schedule, some changes in interests often occur among school-age children. Not all of them will be athletic and also, their commitment and preferences may be affected by various factors. This makes promoting an active lifestyle trickier, which is why it’s essential to find the right activities to Read more...
2352 day ago
When most people find out that they’re going to be parents, they become extremely happy thinking about having a child in their arms. Usually, it becomes difficult to even imagine that they will eventually grow into adults with their own minds. However, these little ones will eventually grow and it Read more...
2363 day ago
For many children, going to school for the very first time is a big deal. Some may be excited – something most parents commonly expect; however, others may start with tears or a stomach ache. Keep in mind that they aren’t faking these illnesses just so they can miss school. Read more...
2370 day ago
Labor Day, which falls on the first Monday of September, is a time to honor workers in the United States who keep the country running. Also, more detailed history explains the difficult working conditions during the Industrial Revolution; it also tells us why supporting workers’ and union rights is highly Read more...
2370 day ago
Obesity refers to having an excessive amount of body fat. It is not all about one’s looks because it increases the risks of acquiring other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. When children are obese they have higher chances of acquiring more health problems Read more...