

Some Ways to Teach Children about Labor Day

2370 day ago

Labor Day, which falls on the first Monday of September, is a time to honor workers in the United States who keep the country running. Also, more detailed history explains the difficult working conditions during the Industrial Revolution; it also tells us why supporting workers’ and union rights is highly Read more...

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How you can Help Reduce the Risk of Obesity in Children

2370 day ago

Obesity refers to having an excessive amount of body fat. It is not all about one’s looks because it increases the risks of acquiring other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. When children are obese they have higher chances of acquiring more health problems Read more...


Teaching Your Children Mindfulness

2390 day ago

Just like adults, children also get easily distracted. If not addressed, this problem can lead to certain difficulties such as mismanaging emotions and difficult behavior. This is why mindfulness must be taught while they are young. This is all about becoming fully aware of what’s currently happening. According to research, Read more...


Some Ways to Prevent Children from Misbehaving

2394 day ago

A common reason behind misbehaviour is development. For toddlers, their frontal cortex is still developing and this means that they are still learning the skills to control their behaviour and emotions. During this age, they tend to break things, throw food, scribble on furniture, and more. Since the brain undergoes Read more...